Wednesday, September 30, 2009


My Blog is quite delicious now!
Soon it will be filled with wonderful bookmarks.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Ethical Guidelines and Responsible Research

When working on a research project with human incumbents, a researcher must be aware of the potential for negative impacts on the studied subjects. Knowing that Split Rail Records is the primary subject matter of this particular project, I must be sensitive to protect proprietary information, and protect the participants of Split Rail Records.I have sought informed consent from all parties that will be directly mentioned in this work and have agreed to share all project information with the director of Split Rail Records before I publicize it.

Although college record companies often partner in many business situations it is important to keep necessary information confidential, to look out for the best interest for Split Rail Records. Competitive advantage may be sacrificed if various information is shared and because Split Rail Records has agreed to participate in this project, the company's privacy will be protected.While there is little risk in the band to allow photographs and audio samples to be taken from their album release show, there are significant benefits. The band will have a substantive album release photo album and will gain further campus exposure through my presentation of their music during the presentation time of my project. I will ensure confidentiality of the materials I gather from their show, and will share all information with the band before I show any outside parties.

Impact on my Project:
Describing the process from signing a band, to the release of the agreed upon album is a huge process involving many subjects including ASU students, a local Band, and ASU faculty. Without consent from all of these parties, the project will be seriously limited.

During the documentation of the album release show, I will need informed consent documentation from the band which I will photograph. With their agreement, I will be able to compile a video of the release event with relevant pictures and audio files. The band and record company is entitled to adequate compensation if their music is played in any commercial setting, because they own the rights to the music. Since the project presentation is not conducted in a commercial setting, simple informed consent to use the music in the presentation will suffice.

Because of the importance of the use of audio and pictures to this project I will ask permission to play music from the specific Split Rail Records band, "Major Magick," for the presentation of my project.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Project Abstract

Senior Seminar Project Abstract

I Thesis:
College record companies exemplify the impact of independent record companies on the music industry through replication, innovation, foresight, and alliance.

II Action Plan:
Through researching and presenting information about the music industry, college record companies, and college record companies replication, innovation, foresight, and alliance; A comprehensive essay will prove the above thesis. In addition to the research portion of the project, a case study will be conducted with Appalachian State University’s student-run record company Split-Rail Records (an independent record company). Documentation of the Split-Rail Records case will be present in the essay portion of the project as well as a multi media accompaniment. Using popular, easily interpreted, graphs, trending models, a SWOT analysis, Porter’s Five Forces Model, and a video documentation of a Split-Rail Records album release project; clarity is the goal.

III Essay Content:
The Music Industry: The essay will begin with a history and overview of the music industry including a timeline, a summary of the music industry’s business model, a spotlight on past and present leaders in the industry, and a description of distribution channels such as publishing, merchandising, recording, booking, touring, and commercial use music. An emphasis will be placed on technology’s role in changing the music industry over the past decades. Ending with a description of the proliferation of independent music companies will segway into the next portion of the essay.
College Record Companies: This portion of the project will describe the history of college record companies and address the recent proliferation of them in the USA. The IRLA will be described and successes will be noted. The support system in place connecting the country’s record companies will be described and successes will be listed. The availability of mentors and guidance from teachers, and industry professionals will be noted. The simple replication of larger music industry companies will be noted as well. Split-Rail Records will be introduced as the case study for this project and a brief history of the company and past successes will be listed.
The Impact of Independent Record Companies: As the main body of the project, independent record company’s impact on the greater music industry has been exemplified through college record companies through four mediums. Replication, Innovation, Foresight, and Alliance. Replication- through direct, smaller scale, imitation of business models and reaction to industry trends. Innovation- through new marketing, promotions, distribution channels, and maneuverable strategies. Foresight- through adopting essential technology, awareness of trends and being chief consumers of their very product. Alliance- through the IRLA, industry outreach, helpful contacts and university support. Split-Rail Records will be used as the case study for this portion of the project.

IV Multimedia Supplement
By presenting a timeline and video of the planning and execution of an album release from Split-Rail Records, the successful marketing and event promotion abilities of a college record company will be witnessed. Combining a timeline from day one of the recording process to the actual launch of the album with pictures, audio and video documentation of the actual event, viewers will have a firsthand account of the album launch process.

V Bibliography
Baskerville, David. Music business handbook and career guide. Thousand Oaks, Calif: Sage Publications, 2001. Print.
Cullinan, Brian. "Music Business." Telephone interview. 22 Sept. 2009.
Doernberg, Mike. "ReverbNation & Audiolife Create the 'Reverb Store', the Ultimate E-Commerce Solution for Artists and Labels in the New Music Business." Pro Quest (2009). Pro Quest Business Wire. Business Wire, 16 Sept. 2009. Web. 22 Sept. 2009. .
Hill, William, Yixin Gu, Elaine Guerra, and Nathalie Corredor. "Music Record Industry: The History: 1900's-1920's." Sociology Department :: Duke University. Duke University. Web. 22 Sept. 2009. .
IRLA Home. Web. 22 Sept. 2009. .
McClure, Chris. "The Music Industry." E-mail interview. 21 Sept. 2009.
"Music Industry Thoughts." Message to the author. 21 Sept. 2009. E-mail.
Waddell, Ray. "'08 Year in Music and Touring :The Rules of the Road." Billboard Lexis Nexis (2008): 24. Web. 22 Sept. 2009. .
Wangler, Kim. "Music Industry Information." E-mail interview. 21 Sept. 2009.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Defining my Thesis

After a wonderful Birthday weekend, yet disappointing loss of our Appalachian Football team, I brainstormed what the core of my project should contain. 'Studio-Stage-Support' is what I settled on because these are the common revenue drivers of college record companies in the new music industry. From composition in the studio to performing on tour, including the necessary infrastructure, a band becomes a feasible player in today's industry.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Cleared for Research

Today after speaking with my wonderful concentration advisor, Professor Wangler, I was given the "OK" to use Split Rail Records as the case study for my project! Professor Wangler also assured me that she would help out however possible to make this project a success.

I am excited to be settling on a project topic and to have the support of Derek S. and Professor Wangler.

All systems go...

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Project Development

A three day weekend without internet access was interesting. However, with the help of our awesome senior seminar class, I was able to better formulate a clear path to success with my senior project!

Combining project ideas #1 and idea #3, I will report how entrepreneurs have played a massive role in the recent development of the music industry and more specifically, how college record labels have impacted the industry as well. Working directly with Appalachian's Record Company, Split Rail Records, I will also document the launch of their newest album from an esteemed Boone favorite, "Major Magick."

Referring to companies such as Apple, Pandora, LiveNation, Last.FM, MySpace Music, and Gigmaster; I will note their recent impact on the music industry. The increasing digitization of music and the proliferation of inexpensive recording gear and merketing versatility of the internet has moved industry control from a few mamoth record companies to a grand subsystem of independent record labels, music marketers and digital distribution outlets. Using Split Rail Records as a case study in this project, I intend to highlight the impact that college record companies have in this changing industry and how college record companies have easily replicated the business model of larger record companies.

Stay tuned to the development of this project.