Monday, August 31, 2009

An introduction to me and my academic concentration

Hello friends,
I am pleased to be a part of such an interesting group of college seniors and eager to witness the amazing senior projects our entire class will develop under the esteemed leadership of Derek.

I , Jay Kramer, a Charlotte native have been an IDS major since fall 2006 and have crafted an awesome "Entrepreneurship in the Music Industry" concentration with the cooperation and advice of Harriette Buchanan, Jay Wentworth, and Kim Wangler in the music industry department. Music has been a passion of mine since I was young and playing in various bands throughout high school and my first two years of college has built my interest in the entertainment industry; more specifically, the Music Industry. I realize the importance of sound business practices and the entrepreneurial spirit of many players in the music industry. Wanting a solid foundation in fundamental business practices, I developed a course of study with an emphasis in Entrepreneurship. Eventually, the business school insisted I also become a business major or risk not being allowed to take any more business classed, I gladly rose to the challenge and have benefitted greatly from doing so. Therefore, after averaging over 19 hours per semester over the past few years, I will graduate with a BA in IDS and a BS in Business Administration.

My Concentration:
In designing my concentration "Entrepreneurship in the music industry," I realized the entrepreneurial mindset needed for success in the industry and decided to plan my course schedule accordingly. A few critical courses that grounded my music industry knowledge were "Intro to Music Industries Studies," "Audio Fundamentals," "The Music and Entertainment Industry," and "Record Company Administration." Culminating with "Record Company Administration," (essentially a practicum class where students actually run the Appalachian record company by signing, recording, and launching bands) I have been exposed to many facets of the music industry and have become involved in and around Boone's music scene, occasionaly working as a local booking agent, and being a part of Music on the Mountain for two years, as well as being involved in the APPS club here at ASU. While I learned the history of the music industry and became heavily involved in the present music industry, I was lucky to be able to directly tie classroom materials into various situations I have been involved with through involvement around Boone. The entrepreneurship courses I have taken in the College of Business have adequately equipped me with the capability of developing a feasible business plan and management techniques for when I do own my own business.

Earning an IDS major has been a very involved and rewarding experience thus far, and I continue to see the importance of interdisciplinary thought and reasoning in an age of globalization and technologucal innovation.

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